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Click on one of the links below to consult the corresponding paper [in french] :


June 6th 2007

 La Gazette du Laboratoire

Extract : (...) (...)


Jan. 2006

 Industrie Pharma Magazine

Extract : (...) (...)


Jan. 2005

 Le Moniteur des Pharmacies

Extract : (...) (...)


March-April 2004

 La Lettre de la Technopole

Extract : (...) (...)


June 6th 2002

 La Gazette du Laboratoire

Extract : (...) (...)



 Le Guide National des Praticiens Hospitaliers

Extrait : (...) (...)


Feb.-Mar., 2002

 La Lettre de la Technopole

Extract : (...) (...)


Jan. 24th, 2002

 L'usine nouvelle

Extract : (...) (...)


June 28th, 2001

 L'usine nouvelle

Extract : (...) (...)


April 17th, 2001

 Le Moniteur des Pharmacies

Extract : (...) an exhaustif range of thermal analyses of active substances, study of polymorphism of active substances and analyses of interactions between active substance and other compounds used in the formulation of drugs. The innovative nature of these analyses resides in the use of a computer program for modelling these interactions, thus aiding the choice of excipient (different compounds). (...)


April 5th, 2001

 La Gazette du Laboratoire

Extract : (...) Our project is unique in France. At present no other companies offer such services in this field. (...) Calytherm will develop a computer program to model interactions between the active substance and different compounds. By modelling in this way, the manufacturer can choose the excipient best adapted to the active substance. (...)


Jan. 16th, 2001

 La Lettre M

Extract : Calytherm offers services For The Pharmaceutical Industry. The company is developing a computer program to model interactions between the active substance and its excipient. (...)


Jan.-Feb. 2001

 La Lettre de la Technopole

Extract : The society Calytherm is one of the ten prize-winners of the Fondation Aventis -Institut de France. (...) Calytherm which is managed by Fabienne Lacoulonche specialises in pharmaceutical quality control. (...)


Jan. 10th, 2001

 Les Tremplins de la Fondation Aventis - Institut de France

Extract : 250 million dollars : these are the dramatic financial consequences for a big American pharmaceutical company. (...) A new crystalline form of the active substance appeared.(...) In order to reduce the risk of such crystalline modifications, there is only one solution : (to) predict everything. (...)This is exactly what Calytherm offers to the pharmaceutical industry. (...)


Nov. 15th, 2000

 Le Midi Libre

Extract : The big pharmaceutical industries, from Pierre Fabre to Merck, are looking for service companies capable of thermal and spectral analyses to predict the effects of temperature and dissolution on therapeutic activity. (...)


Oct. 12th, 2000

 L'Hérault Judiciaire et Commercial

Extract : Calytherm a new company specialising in pharmaceutical quality control, a growing market sector in the pharmaceutical industry (...)


Mar. 28th, 2000

 L'Hérault du Jour

Extract : Researchers can found their own companies without leaving the university by using the mechanisms established by the recent " innovation Law " of November 12 th 1999.(…) It is a potential market : the pharmaceutical companies can no longer run the risk of ignoring drug polymorphism.(...)


Mar. 7th, 2000


Extract : Etant donnée l'exigence actuelle des autorités réglementaires pour l'autorisation de mise sur le marché (AMM) du médicament, les laboratoires pharmaceutiques sont obligés de réaliser des études plus approfondies du polymorphisme des médicaments. (...)


Sept.-Oct., 1999

 La Lettre de la Technopole

Extract : Fabienne Lacoulonche, docteur de l'Université Montpellier I en sciences pharmaceutiques, décide de monter un projet d'entreprise inspiré de sa spécialité scientifique : l'étude du polymorphisme du principe actif des médicaments. Derrière cette expression ésotérique se cache un enjeu important. (...)


Oct. 19th, 1999

 Le Midi Libre

Extract : "Quand en France, l'étude du polymorphisme sera obligatoire, continue-t-elle, les groupes pharmaceutiques feront appel à des entreprises prestataires." (...)